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Child crosses the street on Halloween

Road Safety Tips for a Happy Halloween

Halloween is a time of ghoulish delights, creative costumes, and spooky fun. Yet, as little ghosts and goblins take to the streets in search of sweet treats, the risks to driver and pedestrian safety increase. If you find yourself driving on Halloween, paying a bit more attention to these road safety tips will help ensure a happy and safe All Hallows’ Eve for the entire community.

Car Crash Dummy Demonstrates Car Safety Features

Your Guide to Car Safety Features

Each year, there are some 5-7 million car accidents on American roads. From minor fender-benders to devastating crashes and pileups, car accidents pose a serious risk for drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Thankfully, the number of driver-assistance safety features has grown rapidly as new vehicle makes and models are introduced.

Deep pothole in a city neighborhood street

Why You Need to Avoid Potholes

Between traffic and construction, roads around Washington, DC, are some of the worst in the nation – at least, according to locals. As we move from Winter into Spring, we enter the part of the year where our roads can really take a beating. The repeated pattern of freezing and thawing temperatures cause cracks and divots in the road from the weather.

Lone car on a back roads high way, illuminated by a warm sunset

Cars are Lasting Longer. Here’s What That Means.

Yet another trend made more apparent by the COVID-19 pandemic is the average age of cars on the road. That is, for a lot of car owners, their cars are running for longer and delaying the need for newer vehicles. Except not quite. Keep reading why you should keep an eye on the impact of older cars on the car-buying market.

Woman looks up at auto mechanic from the front seat of her car in the auto shop

This Year’s Best Car Care Advice from Metro Motor

We do our best to provide top-notch auto care to our DC Metro area customers. We also enjoy empowering them, as well as our blog readers, with the knowledge needed to make the best decision about their vehicles. As we look back on 2021, we thought it would be a good idea to round up all the best advice our readers found most helpful this year.

Small blue toy car with large Christmas presents tied to the roof

What to Pack for a Long Car Trip for the Holidays

Going home for the holidays can be heartwarming, but maybe also stressful. Having to drive a long way to get there is another thing to worry about. When should you leave to beat traffic? Should you stop at the gas station first or fuel up on the road? Did you remember to pack everything?

Pop up roadside warning cones with an out of focus car on the side of the road

10 Car Tools to Keep In Your Trunk

Do you have a car emergency kit? You may not be spending as much time in your car as normal, so now is the perfect time to take stock of - or gather from scratch - the tools and tidbits you need as a part of your trunk’s go-kit. 

Man prepares tire for rotation

Don't Skip Your Next Tire Rotation

Rotating your tires is a way of managing the wear on the tire’s tread. Tires wear out eventually, like how old shoes get a wear pattern, making them impossible for others to wear or for the shoe to perform correctly. Except our cars only have one set of tires and get more miles than our footwear. Still, some car owners see rotating their tires as an unnecessary trip to the mechanic. That is not the case. Rotating your tires is extremely important.

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