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SUV drives across a winter scene

7 Essential Winter Maintenance Services for Your Vehicle

Winter is here, Washington! Each day, the thermometer plunges lower while the chance for icy, snowy weather rises. This season brings challenges for both drivers and their vehicles. Harsh conditions, slick roads, and plummeting temperatures can take a toll on your vehicle's performance and overall well-being.

Differences in driving performance in summer and winter

Do Cars Run Better in Winter or Summer?

The performance of cars can be influenced by the seasons, with both winter and summer presenting unique challenges and advantages. Whether your vehicle runs better in winter or summer depends on various factors, including the type of car, maintenance, and driving conditions. So, do cars run better in winter or summer? It depends.

How Hot Weather Affects Car Performance, Smoke Rising from Open Engine

How Hot Weather Affects Car Performance

As the scorching summer sun beats down on the asphalt, many drivers might wonder if their cars are affected by the soaring temperatures. Indeed, hot weather can have a significant impact on a vehicle's performance and various systems, demanding special attention from drivers. Let's delve into how cars run differently in hot weather and what steps can be taken to mitigate the effects.

Woman washes her car and performs preventative vehicle maintenance for spring

8 Important Car Maintenance Tips for Spring

As the weather warms and the flowers bloom, it’s a great time to start thinking about getting your ride ready for spring. Here are some important car maintenance tips to help ensure your vehicle is running smoothly and safely this season.

Freeze-resistant windshield wiper fluid can help protect your vehicle in winter.

Does Freeze-Resistant Windshield Wiper Fluid Really Work?

We’re not in the clear from freezing temperatures yet – Washington, D.C. has had its fair share of late-season cold blasts and snowfalls. That means winter vehicle maintenance is still very important. One often-overlooked aspect of cold-weather car prep is your windshield and, more specifically, your windshield wiper fluid. 

Auto mechanic in DC works on an engine

A Roundup of this Year’s Best Car Care Advice

At Metro Motor, we love helping our customers get the most out of their vehicles, whether they’re out on the open road or in one of our convenient auto repair shops. Knowing more can help you extend the life of your car or truck while saving a few bucks in the process.

Lone car on a back roads high way, illuminated by a warm sunset

Cars are Lasting Longer. Here’s What That Means.

Yet another trend made more apparent by the COVID-19 pandemic is the average age of cars on the road. That is, for a lot of car owners, their cars are running for longer and delaying the need for newer vehicles. Except not quite. Keep reading why you should keep an eye on the impact of older cars on the car-buying market.

Small blue toy car with large Christmas presents tied to the roof

What to Pack for a Long Car Trip for the Holidays

Going home for the holidays can be heartwarming, but maybe also stressful. Having to drive a long way to get there is another thing to worry about. When should you leave to beat traffic? Should you stop at the gas station first or fuel up on the road? Did you remember to pack everything?

Line of cars on mechanic bays

Why Do Mechanics Charge So Much?

The saying “You get what you pay for,” is incredibly true when it comes to auto repairs. Still, getting the bill after your car starts making a funny noise can be a bit of a shock, we know. Why exactly do mechanics cost so much? It highly depends on a few main categories: the cost of car parts, the cost of an expert auto technician, the cost of not maintaining your vehicle, and the cost of operating an auto repair shop.

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